Palm Collection

A collection of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate Arecaceae.

Palm trees in the glasshouse

Location: Palm House, Temperate House, Princess of Wales Conservatory and Jodrell Glass

Taxa: 274  Accessions: 482  Wild-sourced: 31%

Geographic strengths: Madagascar, South-East Asia and South America

Taxonomic strengths: Arenga, Chamaedorea, Dypsis, Livistona, Phoenix, Pritchardia, Ptychosperma, Sabal

Notable specimens: Dictyosperma album, Roystonea regia and many Critically Endangered species, including Carpoxylon macrospermum, Chamaedorea plumosa, Coccothrinax borhidiana, Masoala madagascariensis, Pritchardia kaalae, Ravenea moorei, Tahina spectabilis, Pelagodoxa henryana, Dypsis carlsmithii and Hyophorbe verschaffeltii