Eric Rakotoniaina


Profile photo of Eric Rakotoniaina

Enhanced Partnerships


Millennium Seed Bank Partnership


Ex-situ and in situ conservation; technician on yam cultivation; herbarium digitisation

I work as a technician for the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership (MSBP) with the Silo National des Graines Forestières (SNGF) at the Kew Madagascar Conservation Centre (KMCC). The project aims to conserve the most endangered plant species. My current roles focus on cleaning, sorting and shipping seeds to SNGF. I also participate in the collection of seeds in the field. 

Part of my role involves digitising all TAN herbaria for the Today’s Flora for Tomorrow Project.

I previously worked on the April Trust Yams Project (Oviala) in Madagascar which to collect specimens of yams and plants in the Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza as a showcase to conserve endemic species. 

  • Second year in Natural Sciences Licence 2, Faculty of Sciences - University of Antananarivo
  • Computer hardware and software maintenance Course