Dr Janine Griffiths-Lee

Postdoctoral Research Associate

A photo of Janine Griffiths-Lee in the Millennium Seed Bank atrium

Trait Diversity and Function


Biological Chemistry


Pollinators, habitat management, urban ecology, conservation, pollination services, natural pest control, citizen science

My primary research interest is habitat management to benefit pollinators and other beneficial insects. My current focus is on urban landscapes as these are often overlooked, yet have considerable potential for ecological habitat management to benefit pollination and natural pest-control services.

I am interested in the role of spontaneous and sown wildflowers in increasing the abundance and diversity of pollinators, and different tree species in supporting insects through pollen and nectar provisions throughout the seasons. This research is supported by a four-year sponsorship from London property developer Mount Anvil & Partners for biodiversity monitoring and development of a decision tool for evaluating the role of urban landscaping in enhancing pollinator diversity.

Much of my research includes an element of citizen science as a novel approach to gathering data on a spatial and temporal level that would otherwise be difficult to achieve, all while engaging the public in pollinator ecology and conservation. I currently sit on the steering committee for The Buzz Club which is dedicated to citizen science.

  • PhD. Supporting beneficial insects with wildflowers in gardens and vineyards. University of Sussex.
  • MSc. Conservation and Resource Management. University of Swansea.
  • BSc (Hons). Genetics. University of Cardiff.

Griffiths-Lee, J., Nicholls, E. & Goulson, D. 2023.

Sow Wild! Effective methods and identification bias in pollinator-focused experimental citizen science.

Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.

Griffiths-Lee, J., Davenport, B., Foster, B., Nicholls, E. & Goulson, D. 2022.

Sown wildflowers between vines increase beneficial insect abundance and richness in a British vineyard.

Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 25(1). 

Griffiths-Lee, J. Goulson, D. & Nicholls, E. 2022.

Grape Expectations: A survey of British vineyard land management practices from an environmental perspective.

Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability. 15(2).

Griffiths-Lee, J., Nicholls, E. & Goulson, D. 2022.

Sown mini-meadows increase pollinator diversity in gardens.

Journal of Insect Conservation. 

Griffiths-Lee, J., Nicholls, E. & Goulson, D. 2020.

Companion planting to attract pollinators increases the yield and quality of strawberry fruit in gardens and allotments.

Ecological Entomology. 45(5). 

Brummitt, N. Bachman, S., Griffiths-Lee, J. …. Nic Lughadha, E.M. (2015)

Green Plants in the Red: A Baseline Global Assessment for the IUCN Sampled Red List Index for Plants.

PloS One. 10(8)

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Dr Janine Griffiths-Lee