Dr Roberta Gargiulo

Postdoctoral Researcher


Ecosystem Stewardship


Conservation Genetics and Molecular Ecology


Conservation Genetics, Molecular Ecology

My interests lie at the interface between conservation genetics and molecular ecology. In particular, my research currently combines genetic and genomic methods to clarify the influence of life-history traits on genetic diversity, with the further aim to improve genetic indicators (notably, effective population size, Ne).

I am interested in translating genetic findings into practical applications for conservation and in overcoming the barriers between conservation science and practice.

Recently, I have also joined the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA) Programme, funded by Defra, specifically working on genetic data from plant and mycorrhizal communities.

Since 2018, I have been teaching Conservation Genetics as part of the MSc course in "Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation", and more recently the MSc course in "Biodiversity and Conservation", in partnership with Queen Mary University of London.

  • BSc, University of Naples 'Federico II', 2008
  • MSc, University of Naples 'Federico II', 2010
  • PhD, Advanced Biology, University of Naples 'Federico II', 2014

Gargiulo, R., Waples, R S., Grow, A K., Shefferson, R P., Viruel, J., Fay, M F., & Kull, T. (2023).

Effective population size in a partially clonal plant is not predicted by the number of genetic individuals.

Evolutionary Applications, 16, 750– 766.

Gargiulo, R., Adamo, M., Cribb, P. J., Bartolucci, F., Sarasan, V., Alessandrelli, C., Bona, E., Ciaschetti, G., Conti, F., Di Cecco, V., Di Martino, L., Gentile, C., Juan, A., Magrini, S., Mucciarelli, M., Perazza, G., & Fay, M. F. (2021).

Combining current knowledge of Cypripedium calceolus with a new analysis of genetic variation in Italian populations to provide guidelines for conservation actions.

Conservation Science and Practice, 3(10), e513.

Gargiulo, R., Kull, T. and Fay, M.F. (2021).

Effective double-digest RAD sequencing and genotyping despite large genome size.

Molecular Ecology Resources, 21, 1037-1055.


Gargiulo, R., Saubin, M., Rizzuto, G., West, B., Fay, M.F., Kallow, S. & Trivedi, C. (2019).

Genetic diversity in British populations of Taxus baccata L.: is the seed bank collection representative of the genetic variation in the wild?

Biological Conservation 233: 289-297.

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Roberta Gargiulo