Carnivorous Plant Collection

A collection of plants that display carnivory, including five of the largest carnivorous genera.

Modified, tubular leaves with hooded open lids of the purple pitcher plant

Location: Tropical Nursery and Princess of Wales Conservatory

Taxa: 175  Accessions: 572  Wild-sourced: 24%

Geographic strengths: SE Asia; Australasia and North and Central America

Taxonomic strengths: Nepenthes, Drosera, Pinguicula, Sarracenia and Utricularia

Notable specimens: Nepenthes robcantleyi, a new Critically Endangered species from the Philippines described from the Living Collections; the king sundew, Drosera regia, known from only two locations in the Bainskloof Range in South Africa; and Nepenthes rajah, a species first described by Kew Director Sir Joseph Hooker and restricted in the wild to Borneo’s Mount Kinabalu – reputed to produce the largest pitchers of all Nepenthes species