23 February 2022

Watch: How we build our orchid displays

Join the star of Netflix show 'The Big Flower Fight', Henck Röling, to find out how we build the vibrant animal installations at Kew's orchid festival.

Orchids at Kew Gardens

This year, our orchid festival celebrates the diverse wildlife of Costa Rica with vibrant horticultural displays.

Join Master Florist and Artist Henck Röling to learn how we build giant birds, bats, and monkeys, all from plants and sustainable materials.

Why not give it a go at home with materials you find in a garden or green space near you? Don’t forget to share photos of your creations with us @kewgardens

The Costa Rican jungle and mountains surrounded by colourful orchids and wildlife

Visit our orchid festival

Journey through our Costa Rican paradise at Kew.

Read & watch